I have always been a happy person and feel truly blessed....so WHY have I become such a complainer?? Lately I've become that person, the one who sees the glass half empty vs. the glass half full or the one who sees what's bad in the world vs. what's good in it. I know these are difficult times but this is not me. Any thoughts besides slipping something in my coffee?
What We're Sippin': Your favorite coffee (either made at home or purchased on-the-go) with Kahlúa.
Normally we would recommend a wine or beer for something like this, but you mentioned slipping something in your coffee. So naturally, we're going to recommend slipping something in your coffee.
Where We're Sippin': Anywhere you can see the sky. Let it remind you that everyone everywhere sees the same sky, that life moves forward, and that the best moments are yet to come.
Mother Teresa
Could it be that the older we get, the less patience we have for BS? It could be something that happens with time, or perhaps our priorities start to shift and we become a little less tolerant about the things, people, elements of life that don’t follow suit. The good news here is that you need to give yourself a little credit for noticing this change within your behavior and that should give you hope. I’m a big believer in faith. Whether you’re religious or not, you are self-aware of the negative shift and you want to change it. I like to think there is faith here, something that encourages hope. Lean into this faith. The faith that better days are ahead and just as you have the power to notice this about yourself, you have the power to do something about it. And definitely add something to your coffee, regardless of how you go about it.
Ginger Ále
My advice is a little less spiritual, but no less helpful, I hope! I saw a tweet once that said something like “I think you have to throw yourself a million little parties every day or you die.” While this might be a little dramatic, I think the main point is that, during times of stress or despair, (like during say, I don’t know, a global pandemic,) you have to create your own little moments of joy at home to balance out the bad and establish some sense of harmony. Call that one friend that never fails to make you laugh, and laugh really hard. Make a list of three things to do in a weekend and complete all three. Give. Buy a coffee for the person behind you. Send a family member you don’t talk too much a text of appreciation. Sprinkle these moments around like confetti, not because they will make everything better, but because it will help balance out the BS that comes with life.